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TUhjnbcbe - 2020/8/20 3:36:00

9 May 1945: killed many Chinese people in Shiqiao, 25 kilometers northwest to Yishui, Shandong, and burned down the entire Shiqiao Village ; in the same month, ordered the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Squad to use cholera virus to fight a germ war during the battles ; gas shells and gas canisters were used when attacking the Eighth Route Army in Haoshan; to prevent soldiers from stepping on land mines placed by the Eighth Route Army, more than ten Chinese people were ordered to lead the way, i.e. to walk in the mine field in front of the troops ;

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啤酒新国标于10月1日执行,新国标不仅修改了干啤酒、小麦啤酒等啤酒定义,还首次将无醇啤酒和果蔬类啤酒列入其中。无醇啤酒的酒精含量低,号称“连交警都检测不出来的啤酒。”在严打醉酒驾驶的环境下,无醇啤酒的销量如何?进行了一番调查。   无醇啤酒难觅踪迹

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